1. Respect all members of the crew at all times,
expecially owners, founders, co-founders
2. follow the chain of command, if there is a
problem do not feel free to solve it yourself
3. DO NOT boot another member with out asking
them first if you do your out of the crew.
4. DO NOT start DRAMA with your crew members or
allies if you do your out of the crew.
5. DO NOT accept programs from anyone but owners
founders and co-fonder or who they say can give them to you and DO NOT give out the programs we give you to others.
6. If you are online you must have your crew name
light up at all times, if there is a reason you cannot be light up contact a owner, founder, or co-founder first.
7. If you are going to be away from your computer
and it will be on put it on your status.
8. You start drama in a room get yourself out
of it.
9. The only ones who should be sending out mass
memo's is the ones the owners, founder, co-founders tell to do so...
10. Meetings are mandatory, you must be there
if for some reason you cannot you must leave a offline.To the person in charge of keepy that info for the meeting. IF YOU
MISS A MEETING without reason then u will be put out of the crew.
11. IF one of the owners , founder, co-founder
tell you to do something do not go to one of the others to get that changed for any reason if this happens you will be put
out of the crew.
12. There will be no dating with crew
member... there is some exception to this rule...the owers, have the right to change or add to
these rules when they see fit.